Texoma TV

Charlie Haldeman is the KXII news director, and he is the co-anchor of First News at Six and Ten alongside Maureen Kane. He joined the First News team in January of 2006 and lives in Sherman with his wife Amanda and their daughter, Hattie Elaine.

Channel Churn

Texoma television has changed, and more change is on the way. Deciphering the channel landscape is daunting. It is like trying to follow one of the latest convoluted thrillers, provided of course, that you can figure out what channel it is on.

Texas Nursery & Floral Co.

Most folks don’t give much thought to the trees, bushes, shrubs and plants that grow all around them. They are part of the landscape and are just there. But in an urban environment, what grows there was usually planted there by someone for some specific purpose, and the seed or the cutting that they planted came from a nursery.