Ask Me a Question

There was the curious ten-year-old who wanted to know, “How do snakes take baths?” and another patron who had to know about tides in South America. “It’s amazing the types of questions that people come up with—it really is,” says reference librarian Dixie Foster of the Denison, Texas city library.

00 Smokehouse

When Texas Monthly came calling and tried the brisket and ribs served by Wayne Ooten and his son and partner, Kevin at the OO Smokehouse (that’s OO as in Oh! Oh!), the magazine was duly impressed, and Texoma had its first entry on the Texas Monthly list of Top 50 barbecue spots in the Lone Star State. It was high praise indeed.

Apartment Development, Barometer of Growth?

It has been more than 10 years since the last apartment units were built. Now there are two major projects hitting the market. If you travel Travis Street (FM 131 South) you’ve seen Northside on Travis and The Bridges on Travis (previously named Knollwood Park) rise from the dirt. Northside on Travis opened the first of three phases in October of last year.

B&B for Birds

While much of the wildlife of North Texas is slowing the pace of their activities in anticipation of the onset of winter, at Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge along Lake Texoma and Big Mineral Creek, the waterfowl are about to reach the peak of their seasonal cycle.

Denison Educational Legacy

From frontier times to last fall’s rollback election, Denison citizens have made education a top priority. Local leaders always have seen a top-notch educational system as a key to economic development while teachers have done their best to foster students’ growth, and students have focused on having fun, figuring out their futures, and finding mates. Tying all these threads together is an interesting new book, Two Schools on Main Street: The Pride of Denison, Texas, 1873–2007.

The Bible’s Message?

I am continually amazed at how distorted and misunderstood the gospel of Jesus Christ has become in our community. Professing Christians and non-Christians alike can give you bits of information about Christ’s life. They can tell about the God of the Bible, but they do not know the God of the Bible. They can tell you about Christ, but they do not really know Christ.


Did you know that pumpkin pie originated when early Americans scooped out thick-walled pumpkins, filled them with milk, spices and honey, and baked them slowly in the ashes of a fire? I don’t know when I fell in love with pumpkins, those colorful globes, bright and round as beach balls.

Linda Schaar

Linda Schaar has called many places home, living here, there, and back again. When she moved to Sherman— for the second time— she discovered an artistic bent that she hadn’t recognized before. She explained why. “Sherman and Denison are full of art, so the opportunity is here. I might not have made the step, had I lived in another area.”

Black Texomans Honored

Walter E. Potts was born in Denison in 1892 and lived to be 105 years old. The son of William and Mollie Potts distinguished himself in World War I serving as one of thousands of “Buffalo Soldiers” assigned to the U.S. Army’s 92nd and 93rd Infantry Divisions. The 92nd was attached to France’s 4th Army.