This article appeared in the Spring 2008 issue of Texoma Living!.
Seventy-seven women wore red and joined together to kick off the Texoma Health Foundation’s First Annual Go Red Luncheon in support of the American Heart Association’s National Wear Red Day for Women. The event, sponsored by the American Bank of Texas and the Texoma Heart Group, was held at Tanglewood Resort to increase local awareness of cardiovascular disease in women, while raising funds for research and education. The Texoma Health Foundation is a 501c3 independent public charity serving Grayson and Fannin Counties in North Texas and Bryan and Marshall Counties in Southern Oklahoma. Texoma Health Foundation was created from the sale of the Texoma Medical Center to Universal Health Services. As a result, the Foundation assumed the responsibility of assets accumulated through the Texoma Medical Center Foundation; as well as all remaining proceeds following the sale. “This initiative focuses on building upon women’s energy, passion and power to work together and collectively wipe out heart disease”, said Foundation Executive Board Member, Kay Skelton. Heart disease is the number one killer of women in our area, and all of Texas and Oklahoma.”
Go Red for Women – American Heart Association