In the article on William “Billy” Collins “Young Men with Horns,” the two men on opposite sides of Mr. Collins were not identified. They were Dr. Clyde Lewis Hall and Hugh Vestal.
Author: Dan Acree
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Bonnie & Clyde & Lee
For anyone who might want to read more about Simmon’s role in the capture of the Barrow Gang, “Assignment Huntsville” is an account by Simmons of his days at the state prison.
Bill Collins & Son
“Young Men with Horns,” was a delight to read.
TLM Wins Best Magazine
Texoma Living! Magazine took first place at the annual meeting of Press Women of Texas in Bryan on June 6. Writer Ginger Mynatt took five first place awards for stories published in Texoma Living! and writer Jesse Gunn Stephens won seven awards, including three first place recognitions for articles in the magazine over the last year.
Bluebonnets and More
Roadside flowers are the glory of Texomaland throughout the whole warm season. Some of the most handsome are so common that we think of them as weeds or don’t notice them at all. But if you watch closely as summer winds down and fall tunes up for the year’s last performance, you may witness some of the most beautiful native flowers of all.
Gadget Happy
Guys love gadgets. Batteries included, plug-in, crank, or solar-powered—it makes no nevermind. I suggest that the obsession goes back to the earliest days when Neanderthal dad and his Neanderthal son played with the first small animal trap. The prehistoric rodent walks into the primitive trap and finds itself pined by a small boulder. Neanderthal dad and son grunt, “Cool.”
Bluesman Kirby Kelley
Blues guitarist Kirby Kelley was down to his last guitar, a custom-made Paul Reed Smith. “Think about it,” said Kelly’s friend at the North Dallas Guitar Center when the musician laid the instrument, which was worth enough to help his family out of a deep financial hole, on the counter and said he wanted to sell it. “Think it over.”
Touring Texas Gardens
Texoma Living! Magzine senior editor, Master Gardener, author and newspaper columnist Jessie Gunn Stephens has organized a new guidebook to the gardens in Texas into her new book Touring Texas Gardens. At 270 pages, it is a handy reference book showing the reader how to discover the “best kept secret in Texas.” Texas has lots to offer, whether it is the elaborate Japanese Gardens in Fort Worth or San Antonio, the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in Austin, or the cacti gardens in Alamo or Hale Center.
Texoma BBQ 2009
Use these links to find stories from our 2009 coverage of Texoma’s Favorite BBQ Joints, Shacks & Stands. A reminder to call ahead to make sure the place is still open. These listings have NOT been updated. The BBQ Joint by Edward Southerland BBQ: It’s a Matter of Taste by Edward Southerland PO Sam’s Brown […]