Editor: The banking industry isn’t the only place where credit’s hard to get. We managed to inaccurately credit to other photographers the pics taken by Marilyn Pickens at the Crisis Center Seeds of Hope luncheon.
Author: Dan Acree
Angela’s Café
When you create something consistently good and price it fairly, the word gets around. Angela Boedeker opened Angela’s Café in a small storefront on Denison’s Main Street in 2007, then moved to South Austin Street. Now Angela’s Cafe is doing big business and has added a bakery next door.
V.A. Says Thanks
On behalf of the Veterans Affairs North Texas Health Care System, Sam Rayburn Memorial Veterans Center, I would like to thank you for your generous donation of your magazines for the patients. It is with support such as yours that we are able to make our veteran’s stay at the medical center more pleasant and cheerful.
Jodi L. Castelli
Even as a child,” said Jodi Castelli, “I saw the potential of discarded goods. I often rescued empty cereal boxes and other items doomed to the trashcan.” Today, the artist has graduated from the trashcan and instead combs antique shops to find vintage postcards, advertising, photographs, buttons, even game pieces, to serve as focal points in the visual stories she creates.
Mystery Writer Revealed
Enjoyed the article on Tom Nuckols “The Texas Kidd” (Summer 08). As a child I saw a Wild West show that came through my hometown of Wichita, Kansas and it inspired me to read every cowboy book I could find!
E. Hoskins
Kathleen’s Kitchen
Kathleen’s Kitchen on North Travis Street has become such a fixture in Sherman that it is easy to forget the restaurant hasn’t been serving strawberry salad and potato soup forever.
Reba Browning and Glenn Spelis
In another life, Reba Browning was an educator, working with children as a teacher and principal. Her husband, Glenn Spelis, was a U.S. Customs agent, a pilot who flew across North America and South America pursuing drug smugglers by air. Today, they have a new life, working together to create sculptures that enhance their environment.
Onion Pie
Did you know that the average person will lose five to seven pounds during the summer months without even trying? Why is that you may ask? There is a chemical in your brain that triggers hunger. When it is hot outside, especially as hot as it has been, that little chemical told your body to eat light, eat cool, and drink lots of water.
Dr. Jim Caskey
It doesn’t look like a medical office, outside or in. The building is set back off East Lamberth in a cluster of trees, and if given only a passing glance, it could be mistaken for a residence. Just inside the front door is the old waiting room. It looks like what it is, or perhaps “was,” as no one uses it much anymore.
Ergonomic Education
From the approaching drive off Gallagher Drive in Sherman, the complex looks like a series of pavilions linked one after another, each standing proud. Its elaborate composition may not be instantly meaningful to the passer-by, but upon touring the building one gains an understanding that this school, unlike many of its predecessors, has lofty intentions.