My father was the other half of the machine gun team with Leonard Riley. He has been gone since ‘86 and never spoke much about the day to day experiences he shared. The account of Mr. Riley’s military campaigns is the only record of my dad’s war experience. I now have an opportunity to share it with my children and grandson. Thanks again for your part in remembering these heroes.
Author: Dan Acree
Earth to Channel 12
I wanted you to know that I loved the article about Lisanne Anderson, she is so professional and yet relaxed.
Elephant in the Newsroom
Fans of Channel 12 who have watched Lisanne for eleven years were wondering why she disappeared so suddenly and with no follow up.
Channel 12 Bashing
Channel 12 (KXII-TV) has served this community for a long time and they do not deserve the treatment you gave them in your article about Lisanne Anderson.
Remembering Old Friends
I heard from an old friend recently. Herb Feemster is better known as Herb Fame, half of the Grammy Award winning singing duo, Peaches & Herb. The duo’s iconic love song, “Reunited,” reached the number one spot in April 1979 and remains one of radio’s Top 25 Most Played Love Songs of the past three decades.
Breakfast Texas Style
If you have guests visiting over the summer, treat them to a breakfast loaded with Texas flavor! It’s the perfect way to greet the day for guests who might not be conversant with the glories of Lone Star cuisine. Preparing this easy, quick and delicious breakfast leaves time to visit with your guests and enjoy a warm spring morning.
BBQ: The Joint
Learned men may differ on the reasons, but one school of opinion holds that the best barbecue comes from joints.
Lake Fannin
Near the Tulip Bend of the Red River in northwest Fannin County lies another reminder of how early Twentieth Century Texans sought relief from the blistering temperatures of the long, hot days of summer.
Home Work
John Flynn juggles a full work schedule and eight kids as a work-at-home dad.
Woodlake Park
Halfway between Denison and Sherman was Tanyard Springs, an area heavily wooded with elms, oaks and hickories and containing a flowing spring. It became a recreational destination to lure paying customers onto his interurban railway, the first in the state of Texas.