Nervous About Public Speaking? Join the Club.

“Before, I never could remember the end of a joke,” said Mary Smith. “But now I can tell a joke and remember the whole thing.” Because Smith occasionally presents programs to large groups as part of her job with the Texoma Council of Governments, her supervisor urged her to join the Toastmasters to improve her public speaking skills.

Joetta Cotton Makes Things Happen

In 1978, the Cottons moved to Chickasha, Oklahoma, Ronald’s home town. Joetta worked as a secretary in an oil field company. When the oil business went bust, she landed a job in the Chickasha Library as an administrative assistant and loved it. She took library science classes and completed a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and soon became the Library Director.

The Art of Forgetting

We have called forgetting a weakness that should be avoided, but this is an art ascribed to God. The writer of Hebrews says, “… their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.” If a person repents of sins and rightly seeks divine forgiveness, the record of misbehavior is not only crossed off the books of Heaven, but God actually allows it to pass completely from His memory. This ability that God shows us is so great that a good moral man and a terribly sinful man are placed alike in forgiveness.

The Idle Time fun boat on Lake Texoma

Burns Run

When the engineers closed the flood gates on Denison Dam in February 1944 and the waters of Lake Texoma began to spread out behind what was then the world’s largest rolled earth-filled dam. Soon, people were drawn to the lake for recreation as family attractions popped up around along the shores.

Farm & Garden to Market

The red peppers didn’t last very long. A little after nine, Katie Livezey, who commutes every day from McKinney to her job as chef at the restaurant of the Bridges Golf Club in Gunter stopped by the barn on FM 121 in the community of Elmont, west of Van Alstyne, to see what she could find for lunch. She found the peppers and bought the whole lot. “I try to stop by every Saturday and pick up some produce,” she said. “The peppers are beautiful, so I’m going to do bratwurst and peppers today. I also got some tomatoes and onions and some of those homemade tamales. The tamales are for me though, not the restaurant.”

Quilting Queens

Goldsmith and Jenkins are superstars in the world of quilts. “They call us the ‘cake girls’,” said Jenkins. “People know us because we’ve done a lot of TV. We can be in a crowded room and people will recognize our voices—from our DVDs.”